Tuesday 8 July 2014

A Gynecologist

The patient should cheerleaders delayed menstruation for more than 5 days, and the start of bleeding for more than five days before expected date of commencement of the monthly. In this situation, you should consult your doctor to find the cause of the violations, since the delay may be due to various causes, including disease of the hypothalamic-pituitary system, for example, prolaktinomoj. This swelling increases the level of prolactin in the body and prevents the onset of pregnancy. Women with prolaktinomoj over the years, often treated for infertility, and to no avail, since they do not put the correct diagnosis. For the diagnosis of prolactinoma is MRI of the brain and adrenal gland ULTRASOUND EXAMINATION. In our clinic the data surveys are conducted. click here

Violations of hormonal levels may indicate not only failures in the menstrual cycle, and skin rash. Typically, such patients initially treated with a dermatologist, and he (if the specialist is knowledgeable enough) sends to us, gynecologists. read more

The problems with hormones indicate weight fluctuations, as sharp his weight gain and painful weight loss, cachexia. The latter is the cause, not the consequence of problems with hormones: first the girl sits down on a diet (more precisely, starving themselves to hunger), then her depleted fat stores in the body, stop menstruating, developing infertility. see more

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