Tuesday 8 July 2014

Autonomic dysfunction (Dystonia)

Vegetative-vascular dystonia (IRR, it is neurocirculatory asthenia, NDCs) is a characteristic only of domestic medicine obsolete names of autonomic dysfunction. The syndrome includes a variety of origins and manifestations of violations of vegetative (related to the work of the internal organs) functions caused by a disorder of the nervous regulation.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia occurs quite often, both in children (12-25%) and adults (up to 70%) Is a result of the increasing pace of modern life requires the full commitment of domestic resources and forces in the process of studying and working, učaŝaet stress situations. read more

Cause of autonomic dysfunction can be:
genetic factors (as a rule, they are already in childhood),
Central and peripheral nervous system diseases (especially the hypothalamus, brainstem, limbic system),
some chronic diseases ( gastrointestinal and cardiovascular systems),
Chronic stress, overwork and overexertion.

Most often, this condition occurs in the form of a somatoformnogo disorder, neurosis, main or sole manifestation of which are violations that mimic the symptoms of chronic diseases. The general mechanism of somatoformnogo disorder looks something like this: as a result of stress or emotional experience (especially against the backdrop of the mental strain or exhaustion) human psyche as push apply in a situation that is not able to recycle. Such "evicted" experience gives rise to various neurotic symptoms, often the "targets" are the internal organs. click here

Contribute to this development the initial imperfection of vegetative regulation, socio-cultural factors, psychological traits (especially alexithymia, inability to verbally express their emotional distress). The situation may further deteriorate the accompanying depression, hysteria, emotional instability, anxiety, hypochondria, tobacco and alcohol abuse.

Manifestations of autonomic dysfunction can affect various organs and systems, separately or together. Below are the most frequent of these syndromes. see more

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